MyToyota app Veelgestelde vragen

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U kunt uw smartphone als sleutel gebruiken om toegang tot uw auto te krijgen en ermee te rijden. Bepaalde automodellen zijn uitgerust met de functie Smart Digital Key (raadpleeg uw erkende lokale dealer voor meer informatie). Via Bluetooth op uw smartphone kunt u de functie dan registreren met behulp van de MyToyota-app.

Als Bluetooth is ingeschakeld op een smartphone die is ingesteld voor Smart Digital Key en de MyToyota-app geopend is of op de achtergrond draait, wordt deze smartphone herkend en met de auto verbonden wanneer u dichtbij bent. Hiermee kunt u de auto op afstand ontgrendelen, starten en vergrendelen met uw smartphone of door gewoon de portiergreep aan te raken.

Opmerking: Neem de Smart Key/fysieke sleutel of sleutelkaart mee als back-up voor toegang tot de auto.

Registreer een account via de MyToyota-app om te beginnen met het instellen van uw digitale sleutel*. Zorg ervoor dat Standard Connectivity actief is bij uw proef- of betaald abonnement op Smart Digital Key.

Volg de stappen in de MyToyota-app om de Smart Digital Key in te stellen op uw smartphone en in uw auto. Test de ontgrendel-, start- en vergrendelfuncties om te bevestigen dat de instelprocedure is gelukt.

U kunt de functies en mogelijkheden van uw auto bekijken in de MyToyota-app of contact opnemen met uw erkende lokale dealer voor meer informatie.

Om de digitale sleutel in te stellen, moet u beschikken over de fysieke sleutel en toegang hebben tot de auto.

  1. Controleer in de MyToyota-app of een proef- of betaald abonnement op Smart Digital Key actief is en of Standard Connectivity werkt.
  2. Druk op ‘Mijn digitale sleutel instellen’ op het startscherm van de MyToyota-app.
  3. Schakel Bluetooth en biometrische verificatie in op uw smartphone. Deze stap wordt overgeslagen als Bluetooth en biometrische verificatie al eerder zijn ingeschakeld.
  4. Controleer uw smartphonenummer door de 6-cijferige code in te voeren die u per sms hebt ontvangen. Deze stap wordt overgeslagen als het smartphonenummer al eerder is geverifieerd.
  5. Schakel voorafgaand aan de volgende stap slechts één gegevensverbinding, wifi of mobiel, in.
  6. Laat uw smartphone de digitale sleutel downloaden.
  7. Bekijk de informatie over het koppelingsproces in de MyToyota-app.
  8. Houd de fysieke sleutel boven de startknop terwijl het contact van de auto aan staat en wacht tot u twee pieptonen hoort.
  9. Geef de Toyota-app toegang tot uw Bluetooth en druk op ‘Koppelen’.
  10. Wacht tot de verbinding is voltooid.
  11. Als de instelling is gelukt, verschijnt het bericht ‘Instelling digitale sleutel voltooid’.


Raadpleeg de gebruiksaanwijzing voor meer informatie."

Zorg ervoor dat een proef- of betaald abonnement op Smart Digital Key actief is.

  1. Druk op ‘Instellingen digitale sleutel’ op het startscherm van de MyToyota-app. U kunt maximaal 4 digitale sleutels delen via de MyToyota-app.
  2. Druk op ‘Digitale sleutel delen’.
  3. Voer de voornaam, achternaam en het telefoonnummer van de nieuwe gebruiker in of voeg deze toe vanuit de smartphonecontacten.
  4. Druk op ‘Delen’ en bevestig ‘Sleutel delen’.


U ontvangt een bericht over de reactie op de uitnodiging voor de digitale sleutel. U kunt de gedeelde toegang tot de digitale sleutel op elk moment verwijderen.


Raadpleeg de gebruiksaanwijzing voor meer informatie.

U kunt maximaal 4 digitale sleutels (naast de toegang voor de eigenaar) delen via de MyToyota-app.

U ontvangt een uitnodiging voor een gedeelde digitale sleutel in de vorm van een sms, met een link naar de MyToyota-app. 


  1. Druk op de link in de sms. 
  2. De MyToyota-app wordt geopend en u krijgt de vraag of u de uitnodiging voor de digitale sleutel wilt ‘Accepteren’ of ‘Weigeren’*.
  3. Druk op ‘Accepteren’ om de gedeelde digitale sleutel te ontvangen.
  4. Schakel Bluetooth en biometrische verificatie in op uw smartphone. Deze stap wordt overgeslagen als Bluetooth en biometrische verificatie al eerder zijn ingeschakeld.
  5. Controleer uw smartphonenummer door de 6-cijferige code in te voeren die u per sms hebt ontvangen. Deze stap wordt overgeslagen als het smartphonenummer al eerder is geverifieerd.
  6. Schakel voorafgaand aan de volgende stap slechts één gegevensverbinding, wifi of mobiel, in.
  7. Laat uw smartphone de digitale sleutel downloaden. 
  8. Als de installatie is gelukt, wordt ‘Instelling digitale sleutel is voltooid’ weergegeven.


*OPMERKING: Nieuwe gebruikers van de MyToyota-app moeten het registratieproces voltooien om een account aan te maken voordat ze een uitnodiging voor de digitale sleutel accepteren.

Neem contact op met uw lokale helpdesk.

Smart Digital Key biedt twee methoden om te ontgrendelen/vergrendelen:


i)  Ontgrendelen/vergrendelen op afstand --> Beschikbaar wanneer de smartphone zich binnen een bereik van 10 meter bevindt.

Druk op het pictogram ‘ontgrendelen’ of ‘vergrendelen’ op het startscherm van de MyToyota-app.


ii)  Passief ontgrendelen/vergrendelen* --> Beschikbaar wanneer de smartphone zich binnen een bereik van 3 meter bevindt.

Raak de portiergreep aan om uw auto te ontgrendelen en vergrendelen.


*OPMERKING: U kunt uw auto niet vergrendelen als de telefoon in de auto is achtergelaten. U wordt dan gewaarschuwd met een geluidssignaal.

Als u uw telefoon bewust in uw auto wilt laten liggen en de Smart Digital Key is actief, moet u uw fysieke sleutel bij u hebben en Bluetooth uitschakelen op uw smartphone voordat u uw auto vergrendelt.

Zodra de digitale sleutel is verbonden met uw smartphone, kan hij door niemand anders worden gebruikt en kan er niet mee worden geknoeid. Het systeem van de auto zorgt ervoor dat de sleutel veilig verbonden is met uw telefoon en niet gestolen of onderschept kan worden.

De BLE-communicatietechnologie die voor Smart Digital Key wordt gebruikt, is moderner en daarom beter bestand tegen diefstal dan een ouderwetse fysieke sleutel:

  •  Versleutelde communicatie voor een veilige verbinding.
  •  Gebruik van eenmalige sleutels om elke gegevensuitwisseling te beschermen.

Als uw auto is uitgerust met Smart Digital Key, is de functie beschikbaar als een dienst in uw MyToyota- of Lexus Link+-app. 

Opmerking: de beschikbaarheid van de functie kan verschillen naargelang het model, de uitvoering en de beschikbaarheid op de markt. Raadpleeg uw lokale Toyota- of Lexus-dealer voor meer informatie.

Smart Digital Key heeft 3 niveaus van nabijheidsdetectie: 


  1. Binnen 10 meter van de auto wordt de Smart Digital Key gedetecteerd en is ontgrendelen/vergrendelen op afstand beschikbaar.
  2. Binnen 3 meter van de auto wordt de Smart Digital Key gedetecteerd en is passief ontgrendelen/vergrendelen* beschikbaar.
  3. Als de Smart Digital Key in de auto wordt gedetecteerd, is starten van de motor beschikbaar.


*OPMERKING: U moet de portiergreep aanraken om uw auto te ontgrendelen en vergrendelen.

De Smart Digital Key wordt ondersteund op: 

  • iOS-toestellen met versie 15.0 of hoger.
  • Android-toestellen met versie 11.0 of hoger maar niet van het merk Huawei (Huawei bracht in juni 2021 zijn eigen HarmonyOS-besturingssysteem uit).

Smart Digital Key maakt gebruik van Bluetooth-connectiviteit terwijl de MyToyota-app op de achtergrond draait en nabijheid van de auto voor toegang. Met Afstandsbediening via de MyToyota-app kunt u de auto op afstand vergrendelen/ontgrendelen via het internet, terwijl u een fysieke sleutel nodig hebt om weg te kunnen rijden.

Nee, als Bluetooth is ingeschakeld op uw smartphone die is ingesteld voor Smart Digital Key en de MyToyota-app geopend is of op de achtergrond draait, kunt u de Smart Digital Key gebruiken om de auto te vergrendelen en ontgrendelen door de deurgreep aan te raken of om de auto te starten door de smartphone op de middenconsole of draadloze lader te plaatsen.

Installeer de MyToyota-app op uw nieuwe smartphone en log in met uw bestaande account.

Op de startpagina van de MyToyota-app ziet u nu dat de knop ‘Instellingen digitale sleutel’ is vervangen door ‘Mijn digitale sleutel instellen’.

Druk op ‘Mijn digitale sleutel instellen’ en volg dezelfde stappen als toen u uw Smart Digital Key voor het eerst instelde.


OPMERKING: Als u uw Smart Digital Key wilt overzetten naar een nieuwe smartphone, kunt u Smart Digital Key niet uitschakelen op uw vorige smartphone en moet uw proef- of betaalde abonnement op Smart Digital Key actief zijn."

i) Verwijderen van de toegang voor een uitgenodigde bestuurder* door de eigenaar van de Smart Digital Key:


  1. Druk op ‘Instellingen digitale sleutel’ op het startscherm van de MyToyota-app. 
  2. Veeg naar links over de naam van de uitgenodigde bestuurder die u wilt verwijderen en druk op het prullenbakpictogram.
  3. Bevestig ‘Verwijderen’.


U en de uitgenodigde bestuurder ontvangen een bericht over het verwijderen van de digitale sleutel.


*OPMERKING: Als de uitgenodigde bestuurder aan het rijden is terwijl zijn toegang wordt verwijderd, stopt de auto niet. De toegang voor de uitgenodigde bestuurder wordt effectief verwijderd zodra de auto is uitgeschakeld.


i) Verwijderen van de toegang voor een uitgenodigde Smart Digital Key-bestuurder door de uitgenodigde bestuurder zelf:


  1. Druk op ‘Instellingen digitale sleutel’ op het startscherm van de MyToyota-app. 
  2. Druk op ‘Digitale sleutel verwijderen’ en bevestig ‘Verwijderen’

U en de eigenaar ontvangen een bericht over het verwijderen van de digitale sleutel.


Raadpleeg de gebruiksaanwijzing voor meer informatie.

Om de digitale sleutel te deactiveren, moet u beschikken over de fysieke sleutel en toegang hebben tot de auto.


  1. Druk op ‘Instellingen digitale sleutel’ op het startscherm van de MyToyota-app. 
  2. Druk op ‘Digitale sleutel deactiveren’ en bevestig ‘Deactiveren’.
  3. Bekijk de informatie over het deactiveringsproces in de MyToyota-app.
  4. Als het deactiveren is gelukt, wordt het bericht ‘Digitale sleutel gedeactiveerd’ weergegeven.


Raadpleeg de gebruiksaanwijzing voor meer informatie.

Als u het recht op de auto opeist als uitgenodigde Smart Digital Key-bestuurder, wordt de Smart Digital Key gedeactiveerd en worden alle (eigen en gedeelde) digitale sleutels verwijderd !


Als u dit per ongeluk of opzettelijk doet, moet u de instelprocedure volgen om uw Smart Digital Key opnieuw te activeren. 

De Smart Digital Key-functies werken niet als de batterij van de telefoon leeg is.

De ontgrendel- en vergrendelfuncties van de Smart Digital Key werken ook als uw auto is uitgerust met een achteraf ingebouwde startonderbreker.


De functie van de Smart Digital Key om de motor te starten werkt niet als uw auto is uitgerust met een achteraf ingebouwde startonderbreker.


Als u de Smart Digital Key wilt gebruiken in combinatie met uw achteraf ingebouwde startonderbreker, moet u de transponder van uw startonderbreker bij u hebben.

Zodra de Smart Digital Key is ingesteld, kunt u deze verwijderen uit het multimediasysteem van de auto


  1. Ga in het multimediahoofdscherm naar het instellingenpictogram, scroll naar beneden en tik op ‘Info & beveiliging’.
    Daarna kunt u in de instellingen van de digitale sleutel zien of de digitale sleutel actief is.
  2. Tik op ‘Digitale sleutels verwijderen’ om het verwijderingsproces te starten.
  3. U moet bevestigen dat u uw digitale sleutel wilt verwijderen en uw autosleutel op de startknop plaatsen.
  4. Als het deactiveren is gelukt, wordt het bericht ‘Digitale sleutel gedeactiveerd’ weergegeven.


Raadpleeg de gebruiksaanwijzing voor meer informatie.

Als u vindt dat de digitale sleutel buiten of in de auto niet goed genoeg wordt gedetecteerd, kunt u het detectiebereik van de sleutel aanpassen. ​


1)  Druk op ‘Instellingen digitale sleutel’ op het startscherm van de MyToyota-app. 

2) Druk op ‘Bereik aanpassen’


De fabrieksinstellingen van de digitale sleutel zijn al geschikt voor de meeste bestuurders. Wat van invloed kan zijn op de detectie, is de plek waar uw smartphone zich bevindt. Zit hij in uw achterzak? In een handtas? Of houdt u hem gewoon in uw hand?


3) Kies uit drie verschillende gevoeligheidsniveaus naar gelang uw persoonlijke voorkeuren en druk op ‘Opslaan’.

4) Er wordt een bericht weergegeven als het aanpassen van de gevoeligheid is gelukt.


Raadpleeg de gebruiksaanwijzing voor meer informatie.

Het kan zijn dat uw Smart Digital Key niet binnen bereik is, dat het signaal niet sterk genoeg is om ontgrendelen/vergrendelen op afstand mogelijk te maken of dat Bluetooth op uw smartphone is uitgeschakeld. 

  1. Ga naar de instellingen van uw smartphone en controleer of Bluetooth AAN staat.
  2. Haal uw smartphone uit uw zak of tas en raak de portiergreep aan om uw auto te ontgrendelen of vergrendelen.

De Smart Digital Key is niet binnen bereik of het signaal is niet sterk genoeg om ontgrendelen/vergrendelen op afstand mogelijk te maken.

Plaats uw smartphone op het kastje in de middenconsole of de draadloze lader.

Symptoms Cause How to correct it
Issues unlocking, locking or starting your vehicle. Smart Digital Key trial or subscription expired Go to MyToyota App and resubscribe to Smart Digital Key
Smart Digital Key not being setup On the MyToyota App home page you will see ‘Set Up My Digital Key’, press it and follow the setup steps
Smart Digital Key deleted or access removed in case of invited driver. In case you are the Smart Digital Key Owner:
On the MyToyota App home page you will see ‘Set Up My Digital Key’, press it and follow the setup steps.

In case you are an invited driver:
Ask the Owner to share a Smart Digital Key invite with you and follow the setup steps for invited driver
Vehicle entitlement claimed by another driver with vehicle access You have to go to your vehicle and claim the vehicle entitlement.
Once vehicle entitlement is completed, on the MyToyota App home page you will see ‘Set Up My Digital Key’, press it and follow the setup steps.
The Bluetooth of your smartphone is switched off Go to your smartphone settings and switch ON Bluetooth
You haven't performed the 48h Biometrics verification Sign in on the MyToyota app
The MyToyota app is closed and not running on the background Sign in on the MyToyota app and do not close it but keep it on backgrund
Issues unlocking or locking your vehicle remotely with Smart Digital Key Smart Digital Key is not in range or signal stregth is not enough to allow remote unlock/lock Move closer to your vehicle until the unlock and lock icons on the MyToyota App home page become blue
The Bluetooth of your smartphone is switched off Go to your smartphone settings and switch ON Bluetooth
Issues unlocking, locking your vehicle when touching the door handler Smart Digital Key is not in range or signal stregth is not enough to allow remote unlock/lock Take your smartphone out of your pocket or Bag and touch the door handler to unlock or lock your vehicle
The Bluetooth of your smartphone is switched off Go to your smartphone settings and switch ON Bluetooth
Issues Starting your vehicle The Bluetooth of your smartphone is switched off Go to your smartphone settings and switch ON Bluetooth
Smart Digital Key is not in range or signal stregth is not enough to allow remote unlock/lock Position your smartphone on the centre console box or wireless charger

If you buy a second-hand Toyota that supports Connected Services, you can activate Connected Services directly from your MyToyota app given that you can prove physical access to the car (via mileage verification process or QR code scanning). Please visit your retailer to change the ownership of the car to your name in order to enjoy the full functionality of the app.

Om een auto toe te voegen, klikt u op ‘Voertuig toevoegen’ op de startpagina of als u al een voertuig hebt, klikt u in Mijn Garage rechtsboven op de knop ‘Toevoegen’. Om een auto te verwijderen, gaat u naar Mijn garage, scrolt u naar beneden en klikt u op ‘Voertuig verwijderen’.

Selecteer in de MyToyota-app eerst uw auto in ‘Mijn garage’ en klik vervolgens op ‘Connected Services Center’. Volg dan de stappen om de Connected Services te activeren die beschikbaar zijn voor uw voertuig.


Als een of meer verbonden auto’s in ‘Mijn garage’ nog niet zijn geactiveerd, ziet u telkens wanneer u inlogt in de app een welkomstscherm om Connected Services te activeren. Als u deze stap overslaat, kunt u Connected Services later alsnog activeren door de bovenstaande stappen te volgen. 


Meer informatie vindt u in onze handleiding


Opmerking: tijdens het activeringsproces moet u de gebruiksvoorwaarden aanvaarden en de privacyverklaring bevestigen.

If you want to permanently stop Connected Services on the MyToyota app, first select the specific car from My Garage, then click on Connected Services Center. Follow the flow to deactivate the services. 


For more information please see our How-to-guide

You can check your active and inactive subscriptions by going to My Garage, and select the section Connected Services Center.

You can manage your ToU through the Data Privacy Portal section in your account.

You can consult your Privacy Notice through the Data Privacy Portal section in your account.

MyToyota app let you be in control of your car wherever you are. It is easy to use and it will provide you with unique features that bring your experience to a new level beyond driving. You can plan journeys, locate your parked car, find information on when your car is due to receive maintenance, check your vehicle data and receive important notifications about your car, as well as control Climate System, Doors and Hazard lights of your car remotely.

The row of 5 icons from left to right stand for following sections:  Vehicle -  Map - Notifications - Account  -  Support 

You can access Connected Services at any time. Car data is sent to the app when the engine is turned off. You’ll be able to view the details of your last trip after the engine has been switched off. Mobile data coverage is needed to send data, so it may not work in case you park your car underground.

Connected Services bestaan uit de MyToyota-app op uw mobiele telefoon en het Multimedia-systeem in de auto. Elk pakket heeft zijn eigen functies die het rijden veiliger en leuker maken, zowel in uw auto als daarbuiten.


Met de MyToyota-app kunt u overal communiceren met uw auto. U kunt ritten plannen, uw geparkeerde auto lokaliseren, informatie vinden over wanneer uw auto een onderhoudsbeurt moet krijgen, uw voertuiggegevens controleren en belangrijke meldingen ontvangen, evenals de airconditioning, deuren en alarmlichten van uw auto op afstand bedienen.


Multimedia stelt u in staat om uw smartphone (compatibel met iOS en Android) met uw auto te verbinden*. U kunt uw favoriete apps, zoals Spotify, WhatsApp, Audible, Google Maps en Waze, in uw auto gebruiken en via Siri Voice Assist of OK Google bedienen. Multimedia geeft u ook toegang tot nuttige informatie, zoals realtime verkeersinformatie en waarschuwingen voor flitspalen. Hiermee kunt u ook zoeken naar Points of Interest in het navigatiesysteem.


*voor bepaalde modellen

The MyToyota app allows you to be always connected to your car, while the Customer Portal/Personal Site gives you the opportunity to do more extensive reporting, download owner manuals and enable other multimedia features (map updates, Wi-Fi pack, etc.)


Some of the features are available on both the MyToyota app and the Customer Portal/Personal Site (website) using the same login details e.g. online service booking or service history.

For more details about function availability by model please get in contact with an Authorized Dealer or check the information on our local Toyota/Lexus website.

Go to the iOS App Store or Google Play Store and search for the MyToyota app. Then simply download the app, entirely free of charge.

Connected Services includes Standard Services and Remote Services. Standard Services include our wide range of digital features designed to ensure your safety, privacy and comfort while you are on the go. Stay informed about your car location, battery level, driving behaviour and history, warning lights and much more. Share your car location with friends and loved ones in your network. Remote Services allow you to remotely access your vehicle to adjust a variety of settings and tailor it to your needs. Access all the essentials needed to optimize your driving experience.

Stay a step ahead while driving with a wide range of functions and get to your destination on time. Tune in to diverse events on the road and find available fuel stations and parking spots (on or off-street). Drive worry-free with internet updated navigation.

Usage Based Insurance  considers your driving habits and provides a score to the driver based on these habits. The driver is then rewarded for safer and smoother driving—with savings on their insurance renewal premiums. It is a fun way to become a better driver and save money. For more on UBI: https://www.toyota-europe.com/finance-insurance/usage-based-insurance

FHI encourages you to make the best use of your hybrid and rewards you for driving safely in electric mode—with savings on your insurance renewal premiums. For more on FHI see: https://www.toyota-europe.com/finance-insurance/full-hybrid-insurance

You decide what data you share with Toyota. You can control this at any moment in the Data Privacy Portal and can withdraw your consent when you want to. 

With an appointed dealer in the app you'll get a better experience for such features as Online Service Booking and Warning Lights.

Als de privacymodus geactiveerd is, zal die van toepassing zijn op alle diensten gebaseerd op geolocatie, Full Hybrid-verzekering, Gebruiksgebaseerde verzekering, Find My Car en rijgegevens. Wanneer de privacymodus actief is, kan het zijn dat deze diensten niet beschikbaar zijn of dat de kwaliteit en nauwkeurigheid ervan afnemen.


De privacymodus is beschikbaar in de MyToyota-app onder ‘Mijn garage’. Klik op de startpagina bovenaan op ‘Mijn garage’ en vervolgens op ‘Privacymodus’. Daar kunt u de privacymodus in- of uitschakelen.


Als uw voertuig is uitgerust met het Smart Connect-systeem, kunt u de status van de privacymodus alleen zien via de app. Het in- en uitschakelen moet gebeuren via het multimediasysteem van het voertuig.


De status van de privacymodus (actief of inactief) blijft ongewijzigd totdat u de status weer verandert. U kunt de huidige status van de privacymodus controleren via uw account in de MyToyota-app of het klantenportaal.


Meer informatie vindt u in onze handleiding.

With a MyToyota account, you can manage your multimedia system, and receive useful insights on your car through the MyToyota app and the Portal/Personal Site.

De MyToyota-app is gekoppeld aan het voertuigidentificatienummer (VIN) van de auto en de eigenaar van de auto, zodat alleen u de Connected Services voor die auto kunt gebruiken.

Yes, Connected Services can be added to multiple accounts but can only be activated and active on one account at any one time.

De Connected Services bestaan uit de MyToyota-app en Multimedia. Elk pakket heeft zijn eigen functies en moet apart worden geactiveerd.


Om snel te controleren of Connected Services actief zijn kunt u kijken of de gegevens van uw laatste rit op het startscherm van de app worden weergegeven.


Als u niet zeker weet of uw Connected Services zijn geactiveerd, selecteert u eerst de juiste auto in ‘Mijn garage’ en klikt u vervolgens op ‘Connected Services Center’. Dan ziet u alle beschikbare diensten voor de auto en hun activeringsstatus. Volg dan de stappen om de Connected Services te activeren die beschikbaar zijn voor uw voertuig.


Om Toyota Online te activeren, verbindt u uw smartphone met uw auto via Bluetooth- of wifi-tethering. Klik vervolgens op het tabblad ‘Setup’. Klik op het tabblad ‘Online’ en dan op het tabblad ‘Toyota Online’ en kies dan een bestaand account. Voer dan uw MyToyota-gegevens in. 


Na het invoeren van uw gegevens begint uw termijn van 3 jaar gratis service. U kunt de einddatum van uw Multimedia-abonnement controleren via het klantenportaal.


Als u geen bestaand account hebt, kunt u er direct een aanmaken in uw auto door de optie ‘Nieuw account’ te kiezen.


In voertuigen die zijn uitgerust met Toyota Smart Connect kunt u de QR-code op het multimediascherm eenvoudig scannen met de MyToyota-app of anders handmatig invoeren in de app. Activeer dan de slimme diensten in het Connected Services Center van de MyToyota-app.  


Meer informatie vindt u in onze handleidingen

De accountgegevens zijn dezelfde voor de MyToyota-app en het klantenportaal. Op beide platforms kan het wachtwoord worden gewijzigd. 


Om uw wachtwoord te wijzigen, gaat u naar het aanmeldscherm en selecteert u Wachtwoord vergeten.

Your retailer will need to confirm your identity to ensure that unauthorized persons are not able to access any personal data of Toyota customers.


You are requested to visit your retailer because protecting customer personal data is a priority at Toyota.

  • Cancel Connected Services Subscription and Remove the car from your MyToyota account in the application
  • Remove User Profile from Multimedia head unit
  • Don’t delete your account, as any future Toyota cars you may own can be added to the account. Don’t forget to inform the new owner of the car that the vehicle is equipped with Connected Services.

Connected Services will stop if the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is removed from your account.

Yes and no. A car can be added to multiple accounts but only one account can access connected services at the time or any other personal data.

Het account wordt gedeeld tussen de MyToyota-app en het klantenportaal. Op beide platforms kunt u een account aanmaken via het inlogscherm. Na het aanmaken van een account ontvangt u een activeringsmail, die u moet bevestigen voordat u toegang tot uw account krijgt en uw voertuig(en) kunt toevoegen.

Your MyToyota app and Customer Portal account can be used on the vehicle's multimedia device. If you don’t have one, we recommend you download the MyToyota app and create one from there.


You can also create an account via the online Customer Portal or create an account via the multimedia device itself. In case of the latter, you will still need to accept the Terms of Use within 14 days in the Customer Portal (option is only applicable for multimedia systems before MM21 generation)

In the navigation bar click on the Account section icon, which can be found in the bottom right-hand corner, to edit profile settings.

Connected Services are included with the purchase of any Connected Services compatible Toyota vehicle, for a span of ten years.


Connected Services for vehicles equipped with Smart Connect is included for a span of 4 years.

 The Connected Services of the MyToyota app will function for 10 years. Toyota will cover the cost of data used to provide Connected Services for 10 years, but the MyToyota app will function even without Connected Services.

In the My Garage screen  you can click on Preferred Dealer button under Service and Maintenance. Here you can set up your preferred retailer. 

Hybrid Driving Coaching gives you contextualised coaching on how you can improve your Hybrid driving, based on your previous journeys, letting you make the most of EV mode to lower your fuel consumption and minimise your environmental impact.

Yes, on selected models. On the Dashboard in the Home page you can see the current fuel level as a gauge and the range.

Yes, on selected models you can see the status of the vehicle’s doors, windows, boot and lights. 


To check the status go to the Home page. Click on the Vehicle Status button.


For more details about function availability by model please get in contact with an Authorized Retailer or check the information on our local Toyota/Lexus website.

 Yes, on selected models you can  (un)locked remotely via the app. In the Remote Control card you will find the lock/unlock buttons.


Please note that you will not be able to:

- lock the car if any of the doors are open and/or if the smart key is inside the car 

- unlock the car if the Car Alarm is set or if the car was manually locked with the physical key


For more details about function availability by model please get in contact with an Authorized Retailer or check the information on our local Toyota/Lexus website.

Yes, selected models can be located in a crowded parking by remotely switching on the vehicle's hazard lights. 


In the MyToyota app, go to the Remote Control card. By clicking on Hazard Lights you can activate the vehicle's hazard lights, enabling you to easily find your car.

The hazard lights are activated for a duration of 60 seconds. After 60 seconds you can activate the Hazard Lights feature again. 


For more details about function availability by model please get in contact with an Authorized Dealer or check the information on our local Toyota/Lexus website.

Multimedia (Toyota Online Services genaamd in het multimediasysteem van de auto) omvat verschillende online navigatiediensten, die nuttige realtime informatie bieden, zoals verkeersinformatie en waarschuwingen voor flitspalen.


Voor deze functies hebt u een internetverbinding nodig. Als u geen verbonden apparaat hebt, moet u uw mobiele telefoon verbinden − via wifi- of Bluetooth-tethering − met een wifitoestel/netwerk in de auto.  


Elke nieuwe Toyota wordt geleverd met 3 jaar* gratis kaartupdates (Map Care-abonnement) voor het navigatiesysteem en andere diensten, waaronder:


  • Realtime verkeersinformatie
  • Coyote (indien beschikbaar) of Cyclops, waarschuwingen voor flitspalen
  • Google Streetview (indien beschikbaar)
  • Points of Interest
  • Brandstof
  • Parkeren
  • Weerbericht


Meer informatie vindt u in onze handleidingen


*Als uw auto is uitgerust met MM21, geldt een termijn van 4 jaar

Embedded navigation systems receive data from a GPS satellite signal. Multimedia requires an online connection to receive necessary data for Real-Time Traffic, Coyote (where available), Google Streetview (where available), Weather, Fuel, Parking, and online POI.

Most Toyota models currently on sale include online navigation services, such as:

• Real-Time Traffic

• Speed camera alert

• Google Street View (where available)

• Points of Interest

• Fuel prices 

• Parking

• Weather

(Availability of these services depends on model & grade. Please check with your retailer to confirm which ones are available for your vehicle.)

De eerste 3 jaar (kan per land verschillen) zijn de online navigatiediensten van Multimedia gratis. Daarna kunt u een abonnement nemen. Ons Map Care-pakket omvat al onze kaartupdates en bijbehorende online diensten en ons Service-pakket omvat de functies van onze online diensten. U kunt een abonnement kopen in onze e-Store. Ga naar de e-Store voor de actuele prijzen.


*Als uw auto is uitgerust met MM21, geldt een termijn van 4 jaar

You will receive notification on the screen of your in-car multimedia system 30 days before the free 3-year period ends.


In the e-Store, you can renew the Map Care pack for either 1 or 3 years. When renewing our Service Pack, you can choose between 1, 2 or 3 years*. Check the e-Store for the latest prices.


*For the MM21 and Toyota Smart Connect 7 years of free Map update is being offered

U hebt toegang tot de e-Store via het multimediasysteem in uw auto of het klantenportaal.


In de e-Store, die toegankelijk is via het klantenportaal, kunt u de diensten kopen die Multimedia u biedt. In de e-Store kunt u ook de status van uw huidige abonnementen controleren via het tabblad ‘Gekocht’. Hier ziet u welke abonnementen actief zijn en hoelang ze nog lopen.


Als u de e-Store-app opent via het multimediasysteem in uw auto, kunt u diensten als Coyote downloaden. U vindt de e-Store door in het ‘Menu’ naar apps te gaan en dan ‘In Car’ te kiezen.

You can purchase services via the e-Store web platform, which can be found in the Customer Portal. To find out which services you already have and the time remaining on them, click on the Purchased tab.


Customers receive 3 years of free services for Map Care (2 map updates/year) and e-Services (Weather, Parking, Traffic, Fuel prices). After this free period, you can purchase /renew your subscriptions as required.

You can use it straightaway if the account of the previous owner is still active in the multimedia unit and you may continue to use it during the free subscription period. BUT we always recommend that customers logout and create their own account so that you have full control of your subscriptions. This can be done via:

1. the MyToyota app on your mobile device - first register and then login to your vehicle

2.  the Online menu in the vehicle's multimedia system - you will need to accept the Terms of Use within 14 days via the Customer Portal/Personal Site (option is only applicable for Multimedia Systems before MM21 generation)

3. the Customer Portal - once your account has been created via the web portal you can log into the multimedia with your credentials

In the MyToyota app, first select your car from My Garage, then click on Connected Services Center.Then follow the flow to activate the Smart Services that are available for your vehicle. Once connected the 4 years of free navigation online services will begin. 


For more information please see our How-to-guide

Ga naar het menu van uw multimediasysteem en dan naar het onderdeel ‘In Car’ van de e-Store (u hebt een online verbinding nodig en moet ingelogd zijn). Selecteer de Coyote-app en kies ‘Installeren’. Er verschijnt een pop-up wanneer Coyote is geïnstalleerd. Bij het openen selecteert u ‘OK’ om de app automatisch te starten. Coyote wordt nu altijd weergegeven onder ‘Apps’.


Meer informatie vindt u in onze handleiding


Let op:


  • Coyote is niet beschikbaar voor voertuigen die zijn uitgerust met Smart Connect
  • U kunt Coyote pas gebruiken nadat u 200 km hebt gereden in uw auto
  • Gebruikers in Frankrijk, België en Luxemburg krijgen Coyote gratis binnen hun Map Care-termijn (eerste 3 jaar na 200 km rijden) 
  • In alle andere landen kunnen klanten een Coyote-abonnement in de e-Store kopen via het klantenportaal

Yes, the majority of our models that have been released after 2019 are equipped with Smartphone integration (Apple CarPlay & Android Auto). Provided you have an online connection with your smartphone you simply need to plug your device into the vehicle's USB port. The apps will then be available through the Android Auto/Apple CarPlay menu on the infotainment screen. 


See below link for vehicles that support Apple CarPlay:



*If your Android device runs an older version than Android 10, you will first need to install the Android Auto app.


*Wireless Android Auto is supported as from Android 11

With the My Destinations feature, you can prepare for your journey in advance by searching for directions on your mobile device, and then sending them to your car. Please note that this requires a car with in-car navigation features, and a MyToyota account with your car registered to your account. 


My Destinations is a service available by default for vehicles equipped with in-car navigation but user will need to activate Smart Services to enjoy the benefits of this feature. 


For more information please see our How-to-guide

U kunt de functie ‘Mijn bestemmingen’ in de MyToyota-app gebruiken om uw route te plannen. Om deze functie in te schakelen, moet u eerst uw auto koppelen aan uw MyToyota-account.  


Zodra dat is gebeurd, gaat u naar het startscherm in de MyToyota-app en kiest u de servicekaart Mijn bestemmingen. Klik op ’Waarheen’ en voer het adres van de bestemming in. Druk dan op ‘Verzenden naar auto’.


Zorg dat u in de auto over een wifiverbinding beschikt (de eenvoudigste manier is via Bluetooth-tethering met uw smartphone). Zodra in uw auto een internetverbinding tot stand is gebracht, kunt u de rit downloaden. 


Uw vooraf geplande rit is beschikbaar onder ’Favorieten/Favoriete bestemmingen’ in het multimediasysteem. 


Meer informatie vindt u in onze handleidingen

The 3 year* term starts as from when you put your MyToyota credentials into the infotainment unit.


*In case you car is equipped with MM21 4 year period  applicable

30 days before the free 3 year* period ends you will get a weekly notification on the screen of your in-car multimedia system. 15 days before the free 3 year* period ends you'll receive the same message on a daily basis. Once your 3 year* period has ended, a message will be shown each time you try to use the app.


*If your car is equipped with MM21, a 4 year period is applicable

Available on selected models, Remote Climate can be remotely activated via the MyToyota app to help cool/warm the interior of the vehicle to a comfortable level. 

From the Remote  Control card/ you will be able to start  Remote Climate for a period of 10 minutes. When  Remote Climate is activated the MyToyota app indicates how much time is left until the end of the operation. Remote Climate can be renewed twice (2x10min).


On some vehicles keep in mind that when activating Basic Remote Climate, the car's engine will also start. As such all auxiliary settings used during the last trip (before engine was switched off) will be turned on (e.g., temperature setting, seat heater, radio, etc...).  


On selected vehicles Remote climate will have more advanced functionalities. Such as:

-Remotely controlling seats ventilation, seats heater, steering wheel heater and defrost

-Schedule Remote climate: conveniently decide in advance when the car interior must be cooled down or warmed up.


Please note that Basic Remote Climate on combustion engine and hybrids is not available in Austria due to legal restrictions. Battery Electric Vehicles and Plug In Electric Vehicles do have Remote Climate available in Austria.


Battery Electric Vehicles and Plug In Electric Vehicles will require at least 20% or 30% battery level to be able to operate the Air Conditioner.


Under -10°C exterior temperature, Remote Climate will not operate on Plug In Electric Vehicles.


For more details about function availability by model please contact an Authorized Dealer or check the information on our local Toyota/Lexus website.

This feature is available on selected models. If you have the MyToyota app installed on your  smartphone and have enabled push notification, you will be notified (5-10 min* after the end of your trip) about: 

  • window(s) open
  • door(s) unlocked
  • doors open
  • boot open
  • hazard lights on
  • hood open
  • sunroof open  
  • headlights on
  • warning lights
  • rear seat reminder


Not every vehicle are capable of sending those push notifications. Please verify your vehicle capabilities with your retailer.


Push notification will also be listed indefinitely in the Notification tab at the bottom of the app screen.

Go to the Services dashboard and choose Hybrid Driving Coach (for Hybrid vehicles), EV Coaching (for Battery Electric Vehicles)  or Driving Analytics (for non-Electric vehicles). Select the All Trips tab to see your previous trips and then click on a trip to access the related driving analytics. You can also find the details of your last journey on the Home Screen dashboard.

The MyToyota app is supported on: 

- iOS devices with version 15.0 or higher

- Android devices with version7.0 or higher but not from the brand Huawei (Huawei launched their own HarmonyOS operating system in June 2021)

You can find app version at the bottom of "Account" section.

You need to enter your  credentials into the multimedia unit of your car. You’ll then need to link your multimedia to the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). Next you need to tether Bluetooth, to connect the car to the internet. The My Destinations feature will now work. 


For more information please see our How-to-guides

The electricity stored in the battery will discharge gradually even when the vehicle is not in use, due to natural discharge and the draining effects of certain electrical appliances.

If the vehicle is left for a long time, the battery may discharge, and the engine may be unable to start. (The battery recharges automatically during driving.)

For Hybrid vehicles, we recommend you switch the car to Ready once a week for at least 20 minutes. While doing so, make sure you always leave the car in "P" Parking mode and do not use "N" Neutral mode as it will not charge the Hybrid battery.


For conventional vehicles, we recommend you run the engine for 20-30 minutes at least once a week.

If your vehicle does not have a Smart Entry system, you can (un)lock your car manually (please refer to the owner manual for the procedure).


If your vehicle does have a Smart Entry system, please follow the alternative procedure stated in the owner manual to (un)lock it.

If you have a set of jumper/booster cables and a second vehicle, you can jump start your vehicle by following the procedure in the owner manual.

Go to the menu of your multimedia system and choose Settings. Then select Bluetooth Connection and follow the steps to set up the network connection. Then on your smartphone, you need to enable Bluetooth tethering. 


For more information please see our How-to-guide

Apple CarPlay or Android Auto can be activated by plugging your mobile device into the car’s USB port. On the vehicle's multimedia screen click on the Menu button, and then click on CarPlay or Android Auto.


If your Android device runs an older version than Android 10, you will first need to install the Android Auto app.


Wireless Android Auto is supported as from Android 11. 


For more information please see our How-to-guide

Over-the-air map updates are possible with the latest multimedia systems, activated in the e-Store for the latest compatible models. 


You can also manually update your system by downloading updates from the My Toyota e-Store, and putting them on a USB stick, and connecting it to your car.


For more information please see our How-to-guide

These are vehicles equipped with Toyota Smart Connect, our latest & most advanced multimedia and connectivity system. This device supports additional connectivity features that bring additional levels of comfort and control (e.g. lock/unlock doors, switch on hazard lights, remote climate control,...).


At this moment, Toyota Smart Connect is only available on New Yaris and Yaris Cross.

Smart Services consist of the MyToyota app and Multimedia. Each suite is host to its own set of features, that enhance driver safety and timely arrival at the destination.


The MyToyota app lets you communicate with your car, wherever you are. Depending on the Smart Connect vehicle you have you may enjoy one or more of these features: search on-street or off-street parking, find fuel stations, navigate while being informed about real-time about events on the road or voice commands to your vehicle.


At this moment, Smart Services is only available on New Yaris and Yaris Cross.

The Smart Services of the MyToyota app are active for 4 years. Toyota will cover the cost of data used to provide Smart Services for 4 years. The MyToyota app will function even when Smart Services are no longer active.

You can simply use the MyToyota app to scan the QR code generated on the multimedia unit in the car or alternately introduce it manually on the app.

It is not possible if your vehicle is equipped with a head unit that's not compatible with Toyota Smart Connect

Toyota Smart Connect’s high resolution, 9" touchscreen is not only more intuitive to use, but thanks to connected navigation, journeys are smoother with live traffic updates and speed camera warnings. And with wireless smartphone integration, connecting your phone and enjoying your favourite playlists has never been easier.

Toyota Smart Connect also supports additional connectivity features that bring additional levels of comfort and control (e.g. lock/unlock doors, switch on hazard lights, remote climate control,...).


At this moment, Toyota Smart Connect is only available on New Yaris and Yaris Cross.

No, you can use the existing login and password that were used to log into the previous app.

Yes, the trip history will be visible for the same account after activating Connected Services.

Yes, the service history will be visible for the same account after activating Connected Services. 

Please get in contact with an Authorized Retailer or check the information on our local Toyota/Lexus website.

In order to use Connected Services: register account, add your car to the app, select the services you want to activate and accept Terms of Use.

We are now in the process of the new MyToyota app introduction, therefore gradually covering all models in our line-up. You will be notified when the new MyToyota app is available for your vehicle.

We are now in the process of the new MyToyota app introduction, therefore gradually covering all models in our line-up. You will be notified when the new MyToyota app is available for your vehicle. If you received notification and still not able to add your car to the account in the new app, please contact your retailer or get in touch with us via support section in the app.

Yes, you can use now MyToyota app to track your ordered vehicles. 

Once a vehicle is added to the account it is not possible anymore to use the old version of the MyToyota app for that same car. However if you own more than 1 Toyota vehicle it is still possible to use old app for models which are not moved yet to the new app version.

We are now in the process of the new MyToyota app introduction, therefore gradually covering all models in our line-up.  If you received a migration notification for one or all your cars, you can add them to the new app. Otherwise, you'll keep using the current app for the car you did not move to the new app.

At some point in time, the current MyToyota app will be discontinued. To continue enjoying Connected Services, we advise to move to the new MyToyota app. To avoid interruption of service please do so at a moment that suits you.


Moving to the new MyToyota app is quick and easy. You will find all the great services you are used to, and even more in the future.  

Terms of Use text in the New MyToyota application has been slightly updated, that's why you are kindly asked to accept it again. Duration of your Subscription is linked to a Warranty period, so not impacted by this migration process.

We are now in the process of the new MyToyota app introduction, therefore gradually covering all customers country by country and model by model. If you have not received ontification yet but willing to migrate to the New MyToyota application already now, you can download it via application store and start your new app experience.

PROACE EV models are not being supported by new MyToyota application for the moment. We are now in the process of the new MyToyota app introduction, therefore gradually covering all models in our line-up. You will be notified when the new MyToyota app is available for your vehicle.

The new feature is an addition to our Cloud Navigation system that provides drivers of eligible Toyota models with dynamic, real-time content for nearby Points of Interest (POIs). This feature shows real-time information about restaurants, fuel stations, supermarkets, and more, ensuring drivers have the most up-to-date details for their journey.

With dynamic, real-time POI content, you can make more informed decisions during your journey. Whether you're looking for a place to eat, refuel, or explore, the navigation system keeps you updated with current information and offers. This enhances your overall driving experience by helping you discover new places and ensures you're aware of the latest offerings and changes in your vicinity.

The Offers and Smart Stops feature is available for the following models equipped with a Toyota Smart Connect In-car multimedia system:
  • AYGO X
  • Yaris
  • Yaris Cross

To know if your vehicle is equipped with a Toyota Smart Connect in-car multimedia system, refer to the production date of your vehicle. The table below allows you to identify the eligible models according to their production date.




Model Name Production date of Toyota Smart Connect Incar Multimedia
AYGO X From March 2022 to November 2023
Yaris From April 2022 to December 2023
Yaris Cross From July 2021 to March 2024




For reference, here is the homepage of Toyota Smart Connect In-car multimedia system. 


To enjoy the full benefits of the new feature, the latest navigation version [6.1.2] needs to be installed. Navigation software installations are completed automatically when you start your car.

Then, when starting your car, you need to accept the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Notice to be able to use navigation and Smart Services.

Finally, accept and activate the consent for Offers and Smart Stops in the navigation settings.

You’re all set up – simply display the navigation system feature whenever you’re on a journey in your Toyota to use the feature.

On your multimedia screen, go to Navigation, then to settings at the top right of the screen. Select the Navigation tab in settings and slide down to ‘Map data’. Here you can see the Navigation version number at the top of the screen. This number needs to be equal to [6.1.2] or above ([7.1.1,…]).

In the settings menu of the navigation system under ‘Services’, you will find an option to toggle Offers and Smart Stops on or off. You can either toggle off Smart Stops to no longer see any Smart Stops, or you can toggle off Offers, in this case you will no longer see Branded Pin, Search or Recommendations. This gives you control over the content you see, allowing you to customise your navigation experience based on your preferences. You can change the settings at any time.

The Offers feature includes Branded Pins: showing brand logos on the map and making it easy for you to explore your surroundings whilst driving; improved Search where the most relevant search results are provided to you; Smart Stops - a recommendation of POIs nearby utilising car sensor data to identify your/your Toyota’s current need.

Branded Pins are brand logos displayed directly on the map, indicating the locations of POIs, making it easier for you to find and navigate to your favourite locations. Once you park your vehicle in a safe place, click a logo on the screen to see the Details Screen - here you can discover special offers available at the POI, and learn how to benefit from the offer depending on the type of POI (this can be a QR or discount code that optionally appears on the image or in the text).

This functionality ensures drivers have easy access to relevant results, improving the overall search experience. Most relevant search results are shown at the top of the search result list with a decorative ribbon on the card and a brand logo displayed. Click on the top search results to see the Details Screen - here you can discover special offers available at the POI, and once safely parked, learn how to benefit from the offer depending on the type of POI (this can be a QR or discount code that optionally appears on the image or in the text).

The Smart Stops feature analyses various factors, including car sensor data information, to recommend interesting POIs nearby leveraging car sensor data to detect your/your Toyota’s current need. Click on the Smart Stops card on the screen to see the Details Screen - here you can discover special offers available at the POI, and once safely parked, learn how to benefit from the offer depending on the type of POI (this can be a QR or discount code that optionally appears on the image or in the text).

Once you park your vehicle in a safe place, click on the POI to see the Details Screen – here you can  learn how to benefit from the offer depending on the type of POI (this can be a QR or discount code that optionally appears on the image or in the text).The Details screen also provides the validity period of the offers. The validity can vary from one POI to another.

The low-fuel Smart Stop functionality is designed to provide drivers with timely suggestions for nearby fuel stations when your fuel level is low. The navigation system uses real-time data of your vehicle's fuel level, distance travelled, and the location of available fuel stations to intelligently suggest where to refuel. When the system detects a low fuel threshold (remaining driving range of 140 km or 70 km), it prompts you with recommendations for fuel stations nearby. Click on the Smart Stops card on the screen to see the Details Screen - here you can discover special offers available at the POI, once your vehicle is safely parked.

This Smart Stop functionality is designed to suggest a POI when you have been driving for more than two hours. The navigation system considers factors such as your driving time, current location, and preferences, to recommend relevant and interesting places to explore and take a break. Recommendations are typically provided at intervals during your journey to enhance your overall driving experience. By clicking on the Smart Stops card on the screen, you get to the Details Screen - here you can discover special offers available at the POI, once your vehicle is parked in a safe place.

The real-time POI feature is designed to be accessible across Europe, but initial availability may vary by region. We are continually expanding coverage to ensure a comprehensive experience in more regions. There are no additional charges associated with the service.

 Yes, you have the option to disable the feature within the navigation system settings if you prefer not to receive Offers or Smart Stops. Rest assured the system is designed to prioritise your user data privacy and security. The feature accesses only necessary information, and data handling complies with our privacy policy, ensuring a secure and transparent user experience. To learn more about our privacy practices, please visit the Toyota Privacy Policy.


By having a wallet in the app, you can store multiple payment methods to buy Toyota products and services and pay for subscriptions.

Your payment methods are securely stored in a PCI-compliant data centre provided by one of our partners. These methods will only be used to pay for the products and subscriptions you have selected.

Only Visa and Mastercard Credit Cards are currently supported. Other payment methods may be added in the future.

Yes, you can add multiple payment methods, but only the primary payment method will be used for upcoming payments.

Absolutely, you can remove payment methods at any time, with one exception. If you have an active paid subscription, you must have at least one payment method registered. If you wish to remove all payment methods, you must first cancel your subscription.

Once a credit card has been added, you cannot modify any other data associated with it. If you need to make any changes such as updating the expiration date, you will have to add a new card with the correct information and then remove the card with the incorrect information.

Payment methods are stored within our PCI-compliant payment services provider.

Yes, you can change the primary/default payment method any time.

This is a one-time secure validation required when adding a new card.

There are several reasons why adding a payment method can fail. These include a blocked card or failure to meet 3DS secure requirements. If unsuccessful after multiple attempts, please contact your local Toyota customer centre.

It is crucial to get in touch with your bank or card issuer in situations like this. To prevent any payment problems with the Toyota app, add a new card or select an alternate primary payment method at your earliest convenience.

To avoid missing payments, please add a new primary payment card to your wallet or set a new one as the primary one. We recommend deleting the expired one.

The primary card is always used by default. For example, all your subscription payments will be charged from the primary. The other cards can be saved in your wallet but will not be used unless you make one of them the primary card.

You will only see the payment method screen if your account/vehicle are eligible for app payments. Eligibility depends on the app version, vehicle model, and your location.

Subscription Process

We provide customers with a variety of subscription services for both their vehicle and the app. Several of these services are included in the Standard Subscription package. However, certain Connected Services such as Cloud Navigation, Remote Climate Control and Door Lock/Unlock will require you to sign up for a paid subscription once the trial period expires. Toyota offers a range of subscription options and bundles to meet your specific needs.

If your Connected Services trials are coming to an end, you can keep enjoying them with one of our subscription plans. With monthly, yearly, or every 4-year billing options, you can choose the subscription plan that works best for you!

For some subscriptions, yes.

Several features and services offered by Toyota require you to have a valid payment method added to your wallet and you enrol in a plan that best suits your needs. Additionally, certain subscriptions are complimentary for a limited time period when you purchase your vehicle but will require payment after the free period ends.

You can pay with one of the payment methods added to your wallet. As of now, only Visa and Mastercard credit cards are accepted.

Please check your subscription's free trial duration. The paid options include monthly, yearly, or every four years payments.

Your payment will depend on the service or feature you want and whether you select a monthly, yearly or every 4 years tariff. Please check all the options when examining each subscription individually.

Price may also vary by country.

When you sign up for a paid subscription, you will be granted a one-month free trial period, provided you enter a payment method. This offer can only be used once per subscription package. If you use the trial and then cancel your subscription, the next time you sign up, you will have to pay from the first day.

The subscription will remain active until the end of the trial and will automatically be cancelled on that day. You will not be charged.

The trial period of one month can only be used once. If you have already taken advantage of a trial, you will not be eligible for another. If you have never subscribed before but do not see the trial option, please contact your local customer centre for assistance.

The 14-day withdrawal right applies and counts from the day you activate your subscription. If you are eligible for a trial, there is nothing to worry about since you have one month to cancel without any costs.

After the trial period ends and the first payment is processed, the 14-day right of withdrawal is no longer applicable, and no refund is possible.

If you are not eligible for the trial and make the first payment, you have 14 days to cancel to receive a full refund. Your 14-day withdrawal right is only applicable once.

If you are eligible for the trial, the first payment will occur exactly one month after the activation date.

For monthly enrolment, you will be charged on the same day each month. For example, if your activation date is January 10th, your first payment will occur on February 10th, the next one on March 10th and so on.

For yearly enrolment, you will be charged on the same date every year. For example, if your activation date is January 10th, 2024, your first payment will occur on February 10th, 2024, and the next one on February 10th, 2025.

For the four-year enrolment, you will be charged on the same date every four years. For example, if your activation date is January 10th, 2024, your first payment will occur on February 10th, 2024, and the next one on February 10th, 2028.

If you opt-in, we can send you notifications before each payment for yearly and four-year enrolment.

We need a billing address for your invoice, to be sent after each payment or refund. When adding a new card, the billing address associated must be notified. This address is used for security purposes (3DS validation).

Yes, you can cancel your subscriptions any time.

The refund policy varies between cases. To learn more about refunds, please refer to the Refund section.

No, auto-renew is always the default.

Unfortunately, your subscription is only valid for the specific vehicle that you have subscribed to.

You can activate a subscription for one vehicle at a time. Once a service is activated from the Connected Services Centre, it will apply to the currently selected vehicle in 'My Garage'.

No, there can only be one main user and, therefore, subscriber of services per vehicle. Subscriptions cannot be shared with others.

The previous owner must remove the vehicle from their account to enable the new owner to subscribe to services for the vehicle. If this is not possible, the new owner can contact the dealer, who can assist in cancelling the previous user's subscriptions.

Please contact your local customer centre for help.

To subscribe to a Connected Service in the MyToyota app, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to the Connected Services Centre and select the service you are interested in
  2. Choose your subscription plan - monthly, yearly or every 4 years
  3. Proceed to the checkout and enter your billing address and payment information. You will need a billing address and a valid payment method in your wallet
  4. Review your purchase in the Summary and activate the service if you're ready
  5. If you're eligible for a trial, you won't be charged yet, but you'll be able to see the due date of your first payment. If you've already used a trial, you'll be charged at this point and an invoice will be sent to your email.

Not without cancelling an existing plan first. After ending the current subscription, you can select a different enrolment type.

You can update your payment method by adding a new credit card to your wallet and setting it as the primary card. This way, your subscriptions will be charged to the new card.

Yes, your payment method can be used to pay for multiple subscriptions in multiple vehicles.

Vehicle eligibility depends on several factors such as the vehicle model, multimedia device, account, country, and purchase date.

A reminder email is sent to you a few days before the end of your subscription term, notifying you to update your payment information for renewal. If you wish to discontinue their subscription, you must cancel it before the subscription end date.

The subscription can be cancelled by going to the Connected Service Centre on the MyToyota app and selecting the service they wish to cancel. In case of any issue with the app, the customer can contact us directly for additional support at any time.

The subscriptions can be viewed by going to Connected Service Centre on the MyToyota app.

Payments and Invoices

No, you are only required to authorise subscription payments once during checkout. Payments will then be collected automatically.

Your invoices can be found in your email. If you have misplaced them, please contact your local customer centre to request a new copy.

If you have lost your invoices, please contact your local customer centre to obtain new copies. You can also find all your invoices in your email.

In the event a payment fails, we will promptly notify you and make a second attempt the following day. If the payment still fails, we will make one final attempt the day after. If these attempts are unsuccessful, the subscription will be automatically cancelled, and you will receive a notification of the cancellation.

The MyToyota app will notify you when your current card expires. You must add a new card before the primary one expires, as failure to do so may result in payment failure.

The payment of your credit card bill is an agreement between you and the card issuer. As long as the payment is authorised, your subscription will remain active.

Please double-check your subscription price and amount. If you notice any discrepancies, please contact your local Toyota customer centre.

We will always collect the payments on the due date. If you notice that you haven't been charged, first make sure that there is no issue with your card. Additionally, check if you have received any payment failure email or notifications from us. If there are no issues from your side and you haven't received any notification from us, it could be a delay in our systems, in which case we will retry soon. However, if the payment never goes through, please contact your local customer centre for further assistance.

Please contact your local customer support.

Yes, if you get refunded, you’ll receive an invoice showing its details.

Yes, an invoice will be sent after each transaction to the email address linked to your MyToyota account.

It depends on your enrolment options. Please refer to the subscription FAQs for more information.


Please note the following regarding our enrolment and refund policies:

-For monthly enrolment, there are no refunds in case of cancellation. However, your subscription will not be automatically renewed at the end of the term.

-For yearly or 4-year enrolment, you are eligible for a pro-rata refund calculated in months.

-Regardless of enrolment type, you will receive a full refund if you cancel within 14 days of signing up (and you do not have a trial).

-You are only eligible for a 14-day refund once. For further details, please refer to our Terms of Usedownload (docx(download (docx(.

You’ll get a pro-rata refund.

· Yearly case example:

The trial activation began on January the 10th, the first payment is due on February 10th, and cancellation occurred by May 30th. Therefore, you used the service for more than 3 months, so we will consider it as 4 months. As a result, you will be refunded for the remaining 8 months.

· 4-year case example:

The trial activation began on 10/Jan/24, the first payment is due on 10/Feb/24, and cancellation occurred by 30/May/25. Therefore, you used the service for more than 15 months, so we will consider it as 16 months. As a result, you will be refunded for the remaining 32 months.

No. Due to European regulations (anti-money-laundry laws), you can only be refunded on the same card you used for the original payment. We will always send a refund request to the original card. In cases where the card maybe blocked, expired or has changed, your card issuer should be able to refund the money to you through a new card or directly in your bank account. Toyota is not involved in this process. In exceptional cases when a refund fails, the issuing bank will notify us, and Toyota will contact you to request more information so that the refund can be processed.

Refunds may take up to a week to appear on your credit card statement or bank account. If you don’t receive your refund after this time, please contact your local customer centre.

Please double-check the Terms of Use. If you can confirm there’s a mistake, please contact your local customer centre.

You will receive an invoice containing the details of your refunds

Yes. You will receive a full refund.

The 14-day withdrawal period starts from the day your subscription is activated, not from the first payment.

This only applies when you are not eligible for the 1-month trial and have to pay from day one. Please note, that you can only receive the 14-day refund once.

If eligible for a refund, we will automatically calculate the amount based on your usage and send an invoice detailing the refund total and when you will receive the funds.

After cancelling your subscription, we will promptly request the refund be processed. However, due to processing time from the card issuer or bank, it may take a few days for it to appear on your credit card or account statements. If you haven't received it after a week or so, please contact your local customer centre.

No, our refund policy in the Terms of Use states you will receive the entire refundable amount (including fees/taxes).

Security & Privacy

When you add a new payment method to the MyToyota app, the information is transmitted directly to our partner who is compliant with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). They will be responsible for securely storing your data. After being stored, you will only be able to view certain details of your payment method, such as the last four digits. Toyota's systems and its employees/agents do not have access to the complete payment method information and cannot read it.

Yes, all your personal data is stored and handled in compliance with applicable privacy law.

Our databases are encrypted and secure, and all our systems have access control mechanisms to ensure the protection of your data. Additionally, data transmission between our systems is encrypted to provide an extra layer of security.

We process payment-related data according to the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard, which is a set of guidelines designed to protect cardholder information.

For personal data, we adhere to the security principles outlined by the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to safeguard your personal information and maintain your privacy.

Yes. Toyota follows the strict PCI Compliance rules when handling financial information.

The payment information is securely stored by our PCI Compliant partner, Pay-D GmbH. They utilise data sub-processors to process the transactions. No other partners or entities have access to your financial data. For more information, please refer to our Privacy Notice.


For yearly and 4-year options, you will receive a notification by email before the automatic renewal.

Some notifications can be customised, while others are mandatory (such as payment failures). Push notifications can be disabled from your phone settings at any time.

Yes, you will receive notifications in the app and via email in case of failed payments.

No. Currently there is no way to disable notifications. However, this feature may be added in the future.

All types, depending on the kind and importance of the notification.

Compatibility & Devices

The device requirements are the same for the app.

Currently, you cannot transfer a subscription from one vehicle to another. You need to remove any active subscription from a vehicle first, which will also cancel any associated subscriptions. After removal, you can then add a new vehicle and activate a new subscription for it.

Simply log in to your Toyota account on the new phone. You’ll then be able to see and manage your existing subscriptions normally.

If you decide to cancel your paid subscription, a date for service deactivation will be set, depending on your subscription package. Depending on the subscribed package and the time of cancellation, you may also be eligible for a refund. For more information, please refer to the Terms of Use.

All subscriptions, including paid subscriptions, will be cancelled when the vehicle is removed from the app.

Trouble shooting

Yes. Please check the information that you received from your dealer. Your local customer centre channels should be available there.

There are many possible reasons for this. We recommend first checking that your current card is valid and has enough balance. If the error persists, contact your local customer centre.

There could be various reasons why you are facing problems with the service. It might be due to a delay in subscription activation or the service you are trying to access could be temporarily unavailable or undergoing maintenance. If you are experiencing any issues, we recommend that you get in touch with your local customer centre.

Different scenario may cause your Remote services not to work. Let's try to list the most frequent ones:

  • Your vehicle may not support some or all the remote services. Please contact your retailer to find out.
  • You may not have subscribed to the remote services.
  • If you have not used your car for more than 9 days then your car might have gone into sleep mode to protect its battery life. Please go to your car and start the engine.
  • Please verify that all preconditions are met: all doors closed, hood closed, smart key not inside the vehicle
  • You have a Plugin hybrid vehicle or Battery Electric Vehicle and Remote Climate won't start? Your EV battery might be below 30% or 20% (depending on the model) in that case please charge your battery.
  • You have a plugin hybrid vehicle and remote climate won't start? If the outside temperature is below -10°C remote climate won’t operate.